Victoria Business Park, Roche, St Austell, Cornwall PL26 8LX
Box Van Trailer for Hire
For Out of Hours Quotations: 07814 762058
Roche Self Storage has an Ifor Williams Braked Box Van Trailer for hire. It can be hired to help you move your items in to and out of Roche Self Storage, and it can be hired for any other purpose as well.
Rear Doors Open - Ramp Down
Front and Rear Doors Open
The Ifor Williams Braked Box Van Trailer:
- Can transport items up to 1965Kg
- Has a capacity of 8m3
- Internal dimensions - 1.45m x 1.83m x 3.00m
- Has a tapered front section for additional capacity
- Lockable front access
- Combination ramp and rear doors
Hire on a:
- Daily Basis
- Weekend Basis
- Weekly Basis
- Additional Days Basis